(Pro tips for a stress-free boudoir experience)
Drink lots of water to flush your system and hydrate yourself
Take care of hair color touch-ups, manis, and pedis. A light polish or french manicure is best for a timeless look.
Get your eyebrows waxed (or tweeze them) a couple of days BEFORE your shoot. Well-groomed eyebrows are a must for great photos, but you don’t want post-waxing redness to be a problem.
Exfoliate well and moisturize your entire body before your shoot. (no body oils or powders, though!) Ensure that body hair (anywhere and everywhere) is minimal IF you do not want it visible. Choose your own method, but if you do not want body hair shown, please take care to do your grooming prior to your session. If waxing, give 3-4 days to allow the redness and irritation to subside before your session) . Keep in mind the cut of the lingerie you will be wearing or possible implied nudes. If you choose to go Au Natural, that is perfectly fine! Remember it will be visible in the photos though and I will not edit/remove in photoshop if you decide later that you do not want it visible.
Get plenty of rest the night before, and avoid overindulging in food or drink. Eat something light on the big day, I will have some snacks present for us to treat ourselves to before and during the session.
Study magazines/lingerie catalogs and practice posing in front of a mirror. Chin forward and down, shoulders back, suck it in, pull up nice and tall, relax the mouth and forehead, smile with your eyes, "ballet fingers", and point the toes!
BRING YOUR MAKEUP. I will have makeup here as well, but bring your own foundation that is a color match to you, to make sure I will get you matched correctly. Also a good moisturizer, especially if you have sensitive skin. Your session includes complimentary Natural Glam makeup with false lashes. If you have a makeup artist you prefer or would prefer to do your own makeup, you are more than welcome to do so.
If you have food or makeup allergies, make sure you let me know prior to your session so I can better prepare for it.
Trust me. You hired an experienced professional who understands the secrets to flattering every woman. I'll make sure you look great!
Don’t do anything drastic to your hair or skin less than one month prior to your session. Make these appointments well in advance.
Try not to come in to your shoot with severe tan lines, there will be an additional charge to remove tanlines of each photo IF you want them gone. We believe that pale skin is as beautiful as dark skin. Great lighting and natural retouching are all you need to make your skin look amazing and hide all the little “flaws” you might be trying to cover with a tan.
Don’t go out drinking or stay up too late the night before your shoot. Stress, exhaustion, and/or dehydration will show in your photos.
Don’t wear tight clothing or undergarments on the day of your shoot. (Let the girls free or wear a loose bra and panties) These leave lines on the skin that may take hours to disappear.