Boudoir Photography - My Reason Why
So Why Boudoir?
Everyone always asks me why I chose to specialize in boudoir photography and really, the answer is simple.
I love changing women’s lives and how they see themselves. I love helping them learn to love themselves and see how beautiful they are.
From my very first boudoir session I photographed, I knew I had found my calling, my new passion, and my purpose in life. Empowering Women.
The Transformation and Glow
We see two transformation that take place in the studio the day of the session. Of course, there is the before/after having the hair and makeup done but then there is the transformation of believing that she is beautiful.
Seeing the look on a woman’s face when she sees a sneak peak on the back of the camera and watching awe cross her face when she witnesses how incredible gorgeous she is and believes it.
That look is what fuels me. From that moment of seeing how badass she is, each and every client blossoms and they have this new confidence and excitement that radiates through them throughout the rest of the session.
I love the transformation that takes place because the woman who walked through those doors before the session is a different woman who leaves. The woman who leaves is empowered, is more confident, she is glowing and on top of the word.
This feeling, this change in how they see themselves, that is something that she will carry with her forever. Whenever she is feeling down or doubting herself and confidence, she can look through her album or image box and be reminded of how beautiful she is, how strong, and sexy she is.
So Why Boudoir?
Because it changes lives.
Boudoir is the ultimate self-esteem boosting empowerment session. Boudoir is about self-love and acceptance of you and your body. Boudoir is about looking past your “flaws” and finding beauty in the body that carries you each day.
Uplifting others through words of affirmation and action are my love languages. Through boudoir sessions, I am able to impact every woman’s life who steps through my door for a photoshoot.
My job is to show you that beauty, to help you see past your “imperfections” and trust me when I say this, I LOVE my job and I am great at what I do. I love every aspect of it. The transformation, the empowerment, the self acceptance and new found self-love. I love it all.
If this sounds like something you want to experience, if you want to change the way you see yourself, fill out the contact form and let’s talk.