No More Excuses - You Deserve A Boudoir Session with Mandy’s Boudoir Beauties
Reasons Why You Haven’t Already Booked
”I don’t have the time”
“I want to lose weight”
“I’m not sexy”
”I can’t look like that”
“I don’t have the money”
“I can’t spend that much on myself, I have a family”
Does this sound familiar? Have you uttered these words to yourself or your friend as yall have thought about a boudoir session or seen someone else’s boudoir photos?
I want to show you that you CAN do this and you are Worthy of Self Love.
When was the last time you took some time for yourself?
Remember, it is OK to take time for yourself and it is so important to take care of yourself mentally. If you aren’t taking care of yourself, you’re not going to be able to handle taking care of anyone else. I know from personal experience. Being a caretaker (whether to your children, significant other, or elderly parents), it’s hard work and you can lose yourself. I have a hard time taking time for myself and myself alone to just have a minute, pamper myself, and show some self love. This is something that I have struggled with for years but once I started taking time for ME, I noticed such a difference in my outlook on life and my own self value.
Experiencing a Boudoir session is the perfect way to show yourself Self love. The day is ALL about you. We do your hair and makeup and then take GORGEOUS photos of you! During the experience, your worries, insecurities, doubts and whatever else is weighing you down melts away. You finally get to see yourself through someone elses eyes and recognize how incredibly beautiful you are when you see that sneak peak on the back of the camera. You, my friend, are worthy of self love. You are worth the investment. You are worth the time.
I need to lose weight first or I’m not skinny enough to do these kinds of photos
There are less than 5% of American females who naturally have the “ideal” body type portrayed online. Less than 5% ladies! Stop beating yourself up because you don’t look like the actresses and supermodels. Stop comparing yourself to strangers. You don’t have to be a certain size to love yourself, you don’t have to be a certain size to be beautiful, and you don’t have to be a certain size to have gorgeous photos taken of yourself.
It’s wonderful to be healthy of course but you shouldn’t hate yourself or your body if you’re not the size that you want to be or society says you should be. You need to love yourself AND your body, love the skin you are in and celebrate you. ALL of you. My job during the boudoir session is to show you how beautiful you are RIGHT now, so you can learn to love and accept yourself.
For those of you who are curvy, ladies, do not worry. I am a pro at posing all body types and I will photograph you in a way that leaves you speechless and questioning why you every waited in the first place. You don’t have to be a certain size or weight to do a boudoir photoshoot. I am experienced in posing all body types, especially plus size. Being a plus size lady myself, I know and understand the worry we have of not being able to get in all the poses or look as good as leaner bodies in front of the camera. Ladies, just trust me and I will show you yourself in a whole new light. Together we can squash those fears and find a new confidence and selflove that will change how you see yourself moving forward in the future.
Do not let Weight be why you Wait to have the most empowering experience of your life.
I’m not sexy, there is no way I’ll look like those people
Literally every single client says that they aren’t photogenic, that they won’t look like that in front of the camera, that they are awkward and wouldn’t know what to do. Don’t let those fears overtake you. I will prove you wrong and show you just how photogenic, how amazing you look, and how sexy you can be in front of the camera, all you need is a little guidance from me. I will coach you throughout the entire session. I will pose you from your fingertips down to your toes. You have NOTHING to worry about. I’ll coach you on your expression, fix you hair, adjust your outfit, and guide you each step of the way while being your hype girl.
Every woman has their own insecurities, and my job is to help you bust through those and gain that confidence. Because you, my friend, are incredible. You just might need a little help seeing it.
I don’t have the money. I have a family and can’t spend that on myself
This is one of the biggest objections I hear.
Yes, a boudoir session IS an Investment. It is an investment in YOU. Your confidence, your self esteem, and your selfcare are worth it. You will have these images for the rest of your life. You will always be able to look back on these images and be reminded of just how incredibly beautiful, powerful, and sexy you are. and every time you look at your album or iamage box, you’ll be reminded that you are still that woman.
I do offer payment plans as well, if this is something you’d like to do for yourself.
There is a sitting fee that is required up front to reserve your session date and we can set up a payment plan for the remaining balance leading up to your session to make it easier to book.
If you’re interested in knowing more, please don’t hesitate to reach out and we can set up a phone call or in person consultation to talk over all the details so you have all the information before booking.
So what are you waiting for?
Let’s plan a day to get together for a consultation and book your the experience of a lifetime.